Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blessings in the Wind, Join Hands Again, Sending Love to Running Deer!

Oct 30, 2010, Southern Season Song of Heaven southernseasonsongofheaven@gmail.com wrote:

Beloved Relatives and Running Deer
Running Deer
Give your fear
to the wind, in the air
your troubles are not alone to wear
we are here for you
sending out our prayers and love, we do
a wave of golden light
hold on tight
to the flame inside
it is still burning bright
we reach our hand
we have a band
please share with us your pain
so that you can gain
a brotherhood, sisterhood and more
just let us in, open the door
embrace you with our heart
big hug so that we never part
rainbow blessings into the 9 sacred directions of us all
we rise and stand tall

Blessed Be
Southern Season, your Song of Heaven
elder green person, eye of the storm
rainbow warriors of prophecy

Oct 30, 2010, Cup of God Flips Over and Pours Out cupofgod@gmail.com wrote:

May Running Deer's house be blessed with love and understanding!

Aho - Cup of GoD
Magenta Warrior
Halls of Consciousness, I Do Dance!

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010, Grandfather VeroniKa Holy Spirit holyspiritsailsacross@gmail.com wrote:

the love
she (Running Deer) needs

GHS (grandfather holy spirit)

those who seek purity
will be blessed with divine vision
and will see the miracle of life
i bless the world
i bless my self
i bless you
i bless the nine directions


Oct 29, 2010, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother whitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.com wrote:

Beloved Rainbow Warriors (hoop 2),
I want you to send love to Running Deer. She is having trouble and I had to send dark warriors and golden warriors.  The dark warriors (pure, and purified continually) went right inside and cleaned up, but all the darkness, the family is scared.  I have not heard back since I talked about violence from Holiness and lavender persons (two in the house, as they become the expression of the impure world, until fire blessings claim sanctuary space again, the holy paradise), and this concerns me, because she is wavering back and forth.  She is not trained (knowing how to stand up for sacred blessings and return to holiness and homeostasis) and is confused in all this //%*** /%@ $%.  You know life. Walking towards hardships, pain and suffering is the devoted servant, and true warriors to mankind.

Okay warriors, lets send love to her house. As she is walking away rather than walking towards us, those who could help her. Again, lets walk towards Running Deers Heart. I have had Holiness David go and rescue her several times. And then I finally sent warriors of the spirit to assist.  We will send relatives to her home next and a spirit visit again, by Holiness David and myself.  Lets get her soul back to the second hoop. The hardest thing for an aqua person to do, is turn around and listen, while in the leadership role. These are the leader of men, who blindly float along like clouds in the sky, only to realize, that tears come down, to feed our lives, to nourish our souls, to gift a world.  Let us be part of this blessing, let us walk towards the heart of those who need us and are calling for our hands!

elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org Rainbow warriors of prophecy 

Blessings in the wind, to those who gleam on in. Just understand, that light is not always pure. We must understand, that fire (blessings) does command, the hierarchy and dominance of love. This is what a Rainbow Warrior fights for. It's love in the air, nothing less, it's such a mess, but if we stand on love, we command that all act like doves. Gather and know joy, validate and don't compare, know you are rich inside your heart, knowing all you need to know, to do your part. Trust your heart, walk in love, command that others bless again. Because it's those who demand righteousness. When love is lost, you must ask, demand and listen to all the guss (gussy-up, great, magnificient), then finally feel free, when validation lifts the sneeze (crossing over from giving of earth to receiving of heaven) and you get over to the place of love, where discussions can be heard from both sides, we live in the wind. 

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Leap and holler, make yourself known, because this world, needs all hearts to fulfill.  Create happiness, in all that you do, because my heart is full, of fabulous views.  Come and hold each other, next to destiny.  Let us be relatives, heaven inside the breeze.  Help me bless each other, all in our family. Let us believe in each other, to bring us company.  Gather and let us hear your sing. Gather and run into a dream.  Gather and find, that it's time to blow your mind, because the sky does fulfill, the most and the real, bringing hope to all of mankind!


Point to your Heart...Welcome Brothers and Sisters!